Covet Crate Box Subscription Review, May 2016

Continuing on with my box subscription obsession, we have here my review of the extremely popular Covet Crate Subscription Box – for May 2016! I was lucky enough to get in on it just in time; apparently it sold out within HOURS of becoming available! This subscription is described on their site as ‘a carefully curated box with items dedicated to the busy, professional woman’s lifestyle’. The items included can be a mixture of any of the following: office supplies & accessories, books, beauty/style items, coaching/classes, home & office decor, art, snacks or other lifestyle items. NOTE: This month they announced that they are going to a bi-monthly subscription rather than a monthly one – to make the boxes more affordable and to make the subscription available to more people for a longer period of time.  Here are the details:

Bi-Monthly Girl Boss Box: $54.95 – This box will ship in July! A girl boss has a fresh perspective on her industry. She takes her career seriously without being too serious. Fun colors and cute patterns inspire her to grow and succeed in her career.

Bi-Monthly Lady Boss Box: $94.95 – This box will ship in July! A lady boss has experience in her industry. She is at the top of her game and is looked up to by her peers. Neutrals and bold, monochromatic colors make her feel in control of life and work.

I  chose the ‘Lady Box’, but it was priced at $90.95 (including shipping) before the change, and I found a 15% discount promo for my first box, so my total was only $78.20. ( You can usually find promos online for most first-time subscriptions.)  I was really excited to get this box because I am a brand new “Lady Boss” myself – kind of a late-blooming entrepreneur. I am also redecorating my office and getting organized FINALLY. I have to say, being your own boss rocks! Unfortunately I’m not really the boss of anyone else – my man? pfffft, men don’t listen, and my dog? Fucking forget it – he pretty much runs both of us – LOL. You can read about THAT here.  But I digress, here’s what’s in the box…

Covet Crate “Lady Boss” Box Subscription – May 2016

Covet Crate May 2016 Box

A nice custom box with their logo – but I have to say my boxes are always pretty banged-up, sheesh!  Luckily I haven’t had any broken items yet, but all the boxes that come to my house are usually dented and scratched all over. What the hell does the postal service do – bowl with them? Maybe it’s just my area.

Covet Crate May 2016 Packaging

A nicely wrapped presentation in black tissue paper and tape with their logo on it – nice touch.

Covet Crate May 2016 Packing

I’m all about neat and well-packed boxes.  If it looks good, the more I love opening it.  And the colors this month?  Awesome!  I’m loving seafoam green lately – I think I mentioned that in my last box review for the Cozy Reader Club Box.  I’m seeing this color everywhere right now – it must be trending or something – but I really like it.  Now I have a nice accent color for my black-white-grey office.  🙂

Covet Crate May 2016 Insert Cover

Covet Crate always has a theme for each month, and an inspirational woman that they feature on the cover of their box inserts.  This month it is Malala Yousafzai – I’m sure you’ve heard all about her in the news lately – or at least about her movie “He Named Me Malala”.  She’s quite inspiring.  They also feature a ‘Woman of the Month” and then provide detailed information on all the things included in the box.  The insert is very well done.

Covet Crate May 2016 Page 1 and 2

Covet Crate May 2016 Insert Page 3 and 4

Covet Crate May 2016 Insert Page 5 and 6

Covet Crate May 2016 Insert Page 9 and 10

Covet Crate May 2016 Page 7 and 8

Covet Crate May 2016 Insert Back

This is the back cover of the insert – with a nice little inspirational quote for you.

Covet Crate May 2016 All Items

Here are all the goodies at a glance!  I love taking these pictures – it is so fun to go back later and look at what I received in each box. My memory is fuzzy these days, and the photos can remind me of what I actually HAVE.  If you are a normal person, you don’t use everything you have – at least on a regular basis – so looking back can inspire you to go dig things out.

Covet Crate May 2016 Paper Clips

Assorted “Trombone” Paper Clips by Poppin. $4 – These are kind of oddly-shaped, colorful and fun.  I *hate* plain metal paper clips – they are boring and leave marks over time!  Um, my camera takes pictures just a little too well.  Look at all the wrinkles in my hand!  Gah!

Covet Crate May 2016 Tray

Softie This & That Tray by Poppin. $10 – It’s a super soft rubber tray in the pretty seafoam green color I’m liking.  Perfect for the paperclips and other odds and ends.  I’ll probably put my SD cards in it.  I have about 20 of them for all my devices that I’m constantly misplacing.

Covet Crate May 2016 Stapler

Mint Stapler by Poppin. $14 – OK, so the color is called “Mint” not “Seafoam Green”.  Sue me.  I have about 10 staplers, but this one matches all my other shit now, so BONUS.

Covet Crate May 2016 Watercolor Print

Watercolor Art Print $20 – Part of the Watercolor Collection from Covet Crate.  It is intended to be framed, and it is lovely.  It is supposed to be “calming”.  And we could all use more calm.  I think I’ll put this near my dog’s crate.

Covet Crate May 2016 Paper Pads

Watercolor Notepad & Sticky Notes $8/$4.50 – Part of the Watercolor Collection from Covet Crate, and you can order more of them directly from  It might seem silly, but I love these.  I go through notepads and sticky notes like chocolate.  I write myself a to-do list EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.  I have an obsessive need to cross things off of a list to feel productive.  It’s just a thing.  I usually use old scratch pads with advertisements or something on them, so these are much more fun and special.  🙂

Covet Crate; Covet Crate May 2016 Calendar Pages

Rose Gold Foil Desk Calendar Inserts (with Stand – see below) made by The Tulle Box $24 – Totally unique and fun.  I am constantly looking at my phone for the date/day, so placing this near my laptop will be handy.  It’s pretty too.  I have to be honest though; getting planner books and calendars mid-year kind of irritates me.  It feels like a waste; like a day late and a dollar short.  But that’s just me.  I do have to go back and look at old dates at times, so it’s not entirely dumb, but if it were up to me, I would put this kind of stuff in the January box.  Just sayin’.  The stand however, can be used for other things if you so desire – a photo or something – if you don’t want to replenish the calendar inserts every year.  The stand takes 4×6 prints and has a dual layer plastic protective covering.

Covet Crate May 2016 Tulle Box


Covet Crate May 2016 Calendar

Covet Crate May 2016 Social Media Audit

15 Minute Social Media Audit Session with Deborrah Ashley of Thrivoo Social Branding $49 – OK, as a blogger and a freelance writer, I’m STOKED about this!  Social Media is my ticket to success.  I’m a little disappointed it is only 15 minutes, but STILL!  This could be a huge benefit to my business!


Home Sweet Home Pillow Cover by Parris Chic Boutique $20 – Note this comes as a pillow case only, you have to supply your own pillow.  I love it.  It’s simple and it goes with everything.  It is handmade.  If you go to their site, they have a bunch of different ones.

Covet Crate May 2016 Book

Order From Chaos by Liz Davenport $12.50 – The six steps to organizational freedom.  This is one of my favorite things in the box.  My Godmother and I have been on an ‘organizing’ and ‘spring cleaning’ kick this year with our homes, so YAY, more help!  I also love books.  Any book. All of them.

Covet Crate May 2016 Book Back

The total retail value of this box is $166.  I paid $78.20, so that is an $87.80 value for me!  Pretty damn good!  Even paying the full price, it is an added value of $75.05!  The full retail value of some things these days just seems ridiculous to me at times, but all-in-all you can’t complain.  It is so fun to be surprised and feel euphoric every time I get a box – that is worth something right there to me.

So there you have it!  At first I wasn’t jumping up and down squealing about this box, but then as I started going through the items more closely, I really started to dig them.  There are some unique and fun things here that I would never probably get for myself on my own.  I feel like I am broadening my horizons every day – and becoming a more open-minded person.  Which is a good thing.  We can all get stale and repetitive, but when we are nudged in different ways, we grow and become MORE INTERESTING.  And who doesn’t want to be more interesting?  I am so not the same person I was 5 years ago.  Hell, I’m not even the same person I was a year ago.  And I love that.  I would like to encourage you to buy just one thing from this box that you wouldn’t normally buy, and give it whirl.  You might just be pleasantly surprised!

Happy un-boxing to all! – CrazyDogMama

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About the Author

Hi, I’m Cheryl, a.k.a. "CrazyDogMama". Welcome to my blog - it's about time you visited! Anything and everything goes here - seriously. I'm a 40-something introverted writer and maker of body care products.

I am obsessed with books (mainly the Holy Bible of late), writing, essential oils, intermittent fasting, road trips, subscription boxes, and all geeky things related to earthquakes, space weather and the last days written about in Revelation. I exist mainly on coffee. I'm not above writing about uncomfortable subjects, and political correctness isn't my priority, I'm just real. I also love Jesus. So, if you're good with all that, take a look around and get to know me! Even if you're not, I try my best to entertain and offer up good advice occasionally, so hopefully there is a little something here for everyone.

Oh, and my dog Jack is my muse, so I like to exploit him here. ;-)

This is my life.

Simply Earth

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