CrazyDogMama’s Book Reviews, January – September 2018

OK my fellow bibliophiles, this is my first book review post this year…sigh…but better late than never, right?  It has been such a busy year for me (you know, with weed becoming legal in California and all), and since I haven’t done any book reviews in like, 9 months, I have quite a list for you!  I’m going to talk about 24 books (it’s NOT too many, get over it); some new, some old – genres all over the place.  I read a little bit of everything from dark erotica, to horror, to women’s fiction to non-fiction.  If you want to take a look at some of my previous book reviews (do it!), you can go here.  If you’d like to stalk me on Goodreads, go here!  (I need more friends!)  You will also be able to see the number of stars I gave each of these books on Goodreads, if you are curious.  I know it’s important to some people.

I’ve chosen to write the reviews in the order that I read the books in, from January through September, 2018.  Get cozy and grab a beverage, because this is going to be a long-ass post!

There are affiliate links in this post.

Book Review #1 – Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet Book 2) by CJ Roberts

Amazon excerpt:

From the author of Captive in the Dark, comes the long awaited sequel:  Seduced in the Dark
What is the price of redemption?  Rescued from sexual slavery by a mysterious Pakistani officer, Caleb carries the weight of a debt that must be paid in blood.  The road has been long and fraught with uncertainty, but for Caleb and Livvie, it’s all coming to an end.  Can he surrender the woman he loves for the sake of vengeance?  Or will he make the ultimate sacrifice?

This is the sequel to “Captive in the Dark“, which I LOVED, so I of course ordered it right away needing to find out the outcome of Caleb and Livvie’s story.  Yes, the first book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, but that didn’t bother me because I never want a good story to end.  You can read my review of the first book here.  I have said before that if a book is ‘controversial’ I’m all over it – which is still, and will ALWAYS be true!  I like stepping outside of any and all comfort zones; there is a great big world out there, and many different viewpoints and experiences.  This series comes with a warning because it deals with sex trafficking, darkly erotic scenes and other controversial subjects.  These are touchy topics, and I don’t want you to think I am not sensitive to them – I am aware (and sympathetic) to all that is currently going on in the world.  However, the author certainly does not ‘glorify’ any of it, but does quite the opposite.  She bends your heart back and forth between right and wrong, and shows you the ‘grey area’ you may not have realized was even possible.  You also have to remember this is FICTION.  All that being said, I completely understand those who may be triggered by, or do not enjoy this type of subject matter and I would never, ever look down on them for that.  Don’t be frightened, though, the author does a fantastic job addressing all of these concerns throughout the story, and I feel strongly that she does not over-step any boundaries.

This sequel exploded right out of the gate with Livvie in the hospital being monitored and questioned by the FBI about her disappearance (and then reappearance) in such a dramatic fashion.  Livvie is not the same person she was at the beginning of the first book, and I was absolutely ENTHRALLED with her metamorphosis.  Livvie is torn between an explosive love and not really understanding why events unfolded for her the way they did with Caleb.  She is no longer a frightened young girl, but is now a fighter and force to be reckoned with.  No one seems to understand this change, and all are worried for her emotional well-being – especially since she is so young.  Plus, she has been close to, and has much information about a crime ring that the authorities are hell-bent to bring to justice, but if she relents and gives too much away, it could compromise all that she holds dear.  The sequel begins from this point, but also goes back to where the first story left off and then dives into more of Caleb’s back story and current dilemma.  I don’t want to give away too much and ruin the story for you, but I can say for reals that I enjoyed the sequel even MORE than the first book!  I really like that this story is a combination of (dark) romance and action; it never gets boring!  It is well-written, and definitely NOT fluffy or cheesy.

Book Review #2 – Woom by Duncan Ralston

Woom; Duncan Ralston; Woom Book; Extreme Horror; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

EXTREME CONTENT WARNING! This book contains explicit violence and sexual content. Do not purchase this book if you are easily offended or require trigger warnings!

“I believe pain lingers,” Angel said. “Do I believe in spirits? In the supernatural? Probably not.”
The Lonely Motel holds many dark secrets… and Room 6 just might possess the worst of them all.  Angel knows all about pain. His mother died in this room. He’s researched its history.  Today he’s come back to end it, no matter the cost, once and for all.  Shyla, a plus-sized escort, thinks the stories Angel tells her can’t be true. Secrets so vile, you won’t want to let them inside you.  But the Lonely Motel doesn’t forget.  It doesn’t forgive.  And it always claims its victim.

Speaking of books that push boundaries – holy shit.  It takes quite a bit to make me cringe, and well…there was some cringing.  A LOT of cringing.  I can’t remember the last time I finished a book and said to myself  “WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST READ?” This book is SO WRONG on so many WRONG levels of WRONGNESS!

I would not necessarily categorize this book as typical ‘horror’.  It is not a bunch of monsters or killers ripping people apart at the seams, it is more about all of the grotesque things that humans are capable of and endure.  It is one of those OMG I WANT TO VOMIT kind of stories, rather than wanting to hide under the covers with the lights on.  I did enjoy this book (in a twisted kind of way) because it was interesting and probably the most unique story I’ve ever read.  It had a few twists and turns, and not a single disgusting detail was left out.  The ending for me bordered on absurdity, but it just worked somehow with the journey it takes you on.  If you decide to read it, I think you’ll get what I mean.  The official description given of the book does not really prepare you for it’s contents, and is a little deceptive, in my opinion.  I did not get any ‘supernatural’ feels from this book – it isn’t about ghosts or evil spirits; unless you consider personal demons ghosts.  If the title seems odd to you, don’t worry, it will make sense by the end. 😉

Would I recommend it?  Well, yes and no.  If you a looking for scary, no.  If you are looking for disgusting and disturbing?  Yes.

Woom; Duncan Ralston; Woom Book; Extreme Horror; Book Reviews

This was a short read (novella-sized), and I finished it in a couple hours.  Which I was kind of thankful for.  LOL!  I still have it up for swap on if you are interested – it is in perfect condition!

Book Review #3 – Where the Monsters Live by Duncan Ralston

Where the Monsters Live; Duncan Ralston; Where the Monsters Live Book; Extreme Horror; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

How far would you go for revenge?
When a six-year-old girl is abused and left for dead by a pedophile known only as the “Rabbit Man” due to the claw marks left on her body, police follow every lead but reach only dead ends.

Hungry for justice, her grieving father abandons wife and child on a harrowing journey deep undercover into Miami’s sex offender colony under the Julia Tuttle Causeway. His purpose is simple: to find the “Rabbit Man” among them, and put him in the ground.

Months later, with no one to trust and the pedophiles he lives among growing suspicious of his actions, he learns nothing is simple where the monsters live.

After reading “Woom” by Duncan Ralston, I was curious about this author and decided to read some more of his work.  I’m not going to beat around the bush, I didn’t care for this one.  My dislike for it has nothing to do with the cringe-worthy subject, but everything to do with the fact that I was bored.  Bored and pissed off through the whole thing.  Even the violence was boring.  ‘Where the Monsters Live’ deals with pedophiles and child killers and I was hoping to see those fuckers tortured and mutilated beyond imagination.  I figured with the ‘extreme horror’ warning Duncan Ralston’s books usually get, that this one would follow suit and I would be satisfied with the outcome.  I wasn’t.  Not his best work.  I’m not going to give up on Mr. Ralston, though, but if I were you, I’d pass on this one.

Where the Monsters Live; Duncan Ralston; Where the Monsters Live Book; Extreme Horror; Book Reviews

Even though I wasn’t a big fan of this book, is that not an adorable shot of my little ‘monster’ who likes to curl up with me when I read?

Book Review #4 – Epilogue (The Dark Duet Book 3) by CJ Roberts

Epilogue The Dark Duet; CJ Roberts; BDSM; Erotica; Kindle Erotica; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

I’m writing this because you begged. You know how I love the begging. In fact, you probably know too many things and know them far too well.

Who am I?

Well, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. I was a whore in my youth, a killer since my adolescence, and a monster as a man. I am the man who kidnapped Livvie. I am the man who held her in a dark room for weeks. But, most importantly, I am the man she loves.

She loves me. It’s quite sick, isn’t it?

Of course, there’s more to our story than can be surmised in a few short sentences, but I’m at a loss for justifying my behavior back then. I assume if you’re reading this, I don’t need to make those justifications. You’ve already made your own.

You’re reading this because you want to know about the rest of the story. You want to know what happened that warm summer night in September of 2010, the night I met Livvie at The Paseo. It was the night my life changed all over again.

It didn’t happen exactly as Livvie said. She’s been very kind to me in the retelling of our story. The truth is far more…complicated.

This is the third book in the ‘Dark Duet’ series (see review on Book 2 above), and the ‘epilogue’ to the story of Caleb and Livvie.  Recapping the previous books, Caleb kidnaps Livvie and she is thrust into the world of sexual slavery, but we soon learn that he is not (completely) the monster we think he is.  Livvie is young and scared, and struggles to get a handle on what is happening to her – not just the capture, but to her emotions with respect to Caleb.  Caleb is on a mission of revenge with dangerous and complicated implications, and does not expect the ‘tug’ that Livvie has on him.  With Caleb’s sordid and heartbreaking past, and Livvie’s unknown future, we are taken on a journey into a terrifying world and then back again.  The first two are told from Livvie’s point of view, and this final installment is told from Caleb’s.

This book started out promising, but it didn’t have the intensity of the others.  Most of the ‘dangerous’ stuff has concluded by this book, and it is more of how Caleb and Livvie try to navigate their ‘relationship’ – or whatever it is.  They are out of the trafficking world and trying to acclimate back into society; which proves a little more difficult for Caleb than Livvie.  I didn’t hate this book, but in the first two, Caleb was a strong and intimidating character who we feel for, and in this one he is a bit of a…well…pussy.  I suppose I like dark and dangerous Caleb better.  It is like a role reversal – Livvie is all of a sudden in charge and annoying as hell (in my opinion).  It is still good writing, and I wanted to finish the series, but it is definitely my least favorite of the three.

Epilogue The Dark Duet; CJ Roberts; BDSM; Erotica; Kindle Erotica; Book Reviews

I love the cover art, though!

Book Review #5 – Shameless Surrender by  Jaymie Holland

Shameless Surrender; Jaymie Holland; Romance; Erotica; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

Chessie burns for Nick, but locks the flames in her heart. She’s not a stunning beauty like the women he dates—but when she finds an envelope waiting for her on her desk…dare she open it and accept the invitation into the unknown?

Chessie Lane burns for Nick Tarantino, but circumstance has forced her to keep the flames locked deep in her heart. Drop-dead-gorgeous bosses only fall in love with their administrative assistants in the movies. Besides, she’s plain and naïve about his world, nothing like the flawless cultured females he knows. Still, no other man has existed for Chessie since she met Nick. All her erotic fantasies revolve around this powerful man and his sexy, commanding voice. When Nick sells Tarantino Investments, Chessie is heartbroken and sure her fantasies will never come true. But when she receives a mysterious invitation, her life changes…forever.

I was looking online one day for a quick contemporary romance read and happened upon this one, and chose it because I’m a sucker for a good ‘Cinderella’ type story.  The writing was decent, but extremely predictable. It’s pointless to say it’s ‘unrealistic’ because let’s face it, ALL romance novels are unrealistic.  It is what I expected though, so I wasn’t entirely unhappy.  I had never read anything from this author before, and enjoy breaking out into new territory once in awhile. While there was no glaring problem, it was just a ‘meh’ read for me.  Something to pass the time.  The erotic scenes were nicely done, and the story was sweet, but I’ve become more accustomed to BDSM and angsty, controversial reads, so it fell a little flat in that regard – but I can’t fault the author for that.  (I hate the nickname “Chessie” though.  It irritated me for some reason.)  If you are looking for guaranteed happy-ending, non-taboo erotica, this will fit the bill for you.  I think I’m gonna stick to the more hardcore stuff, though.  I’m messed up that way.  😉  NOTE:  Book 2 and 3 in this series (The Surrender Series) do move into the BDSM realm, so that piqued my interest a little.  They seem to all be standalone stories with different characters – I don’t know if the characters overlap or not.

Book Review #6 – Finding Master Right by Sparrow Beckett

Finding Master Right; Sparrow Beckett; Erotica; BDSM; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

Dominant, crop-wielding men are all Kate dreams about, but how far is she willing to go? 

Kate wants a man who will take charge—she just needs to find the right guy. Fortunately, her friend is throwing a kinky Halloween party with a guest list loaded with sexy, available men. That’s where she meets Banner.

Dark and intense, Banner’s not just a Dominant, he’s a Master looking for a slave. Kate isn’t interested in something that extreme, but when he offers to help her find the perfect Dom, while training her to be a flawless submissive, she’s glad to have a matchmaker and protector.

Banner knows they’re not compatible, yet something about Kate is impossible to resist. Once he finds her the right Dom, will he be able let her go?

This is a hard one for me to review.  The description summary was accurate, so I knew exactly what I was getting into, and it was exactly what I was looking for at the time.  It has all the elements I look for in erotica – BDSM, a good Dom, a curious but hesitant submissive…but…I’m having trouble remembering the details of this book, and that is a bad thing.  It didn’t stick with me.  It was…forgettable.  That being said, I doubt I could spoil this for you, because I can’t remember much.  I do remember that the characters were likable, the story was written well and everything finished up in a nice little package with a bow on top – but the erotic parts were formulaic (for this genre) and pretty tame (if I remember correctly).  I don’t know if I am ruined by the more taboo reads, but this didn’t really fit my idea of a typical Master/slave dynamic.  I think maybe this was written for those who want to dip their toes into the BDSM world, but not fully immerse.  (Kind of like Kate, the female lead in this story).  If you are just getting started in this genre, I think it is a good choice; but if you are already a mistress of the dark, it might be best just to give this one a passing nod.

Book Review #7 – The Road Back to You (An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery) by Ian Morgan Cron

The Road Back to You; Ian Morgan Cron; Ian Cron; Enneagram; Enneagram Journey; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

What you don’t know about yourself can hurt you and your relationships―and maybe even how you make your way in the world. It can also keep you in the shallows with God. Do you want help figuring out who you are and why you’re stuck in the same ruts?

The Enneagram is an ancient personality type system with an uncanny accuracy in describing how human beings are wired, both positively and negatively. In The Road Back to You Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile forge a unique approach―a practical, comprehensive way of accessing Enneagram wisdom and exploring its connections with Christian spirituality for a deeper knowledge of God and of ourselves. 

Funny and filled with stories, this book allows you to understand more about each of the Enneagram types, keeping you turning the pages long after you have read the chapter about yourself. Beginning with changes you can start making today, the wisdom of the Enneagram can help you get on the road that will take you further along into who you really are―leading you into places of spiritual discovery you would never have found on your own, and paving the way to the wiser, more compassionate person you want to become.

I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this book, but I had never heard of the ‘Enneagram’ before.  Like stated in the excerpt, it is an an ancient personality type system (they don’t even truly know where it originated) with an uncanny accuracy in describing how human beings are wired.  The ‘UNCANNY’ part is super true, I am here to report.  I’m a bit of a skeptic about this stuff typically, but decided to have an open mind due to all of the rave reviews.  This is non-fiction of course, and I wouldn’t call it a ‘self-help’ book – it’s more of a ‘self-discovery’ book, and I truly believe it is the real deal.

Out of all the titles on this subject that I found, I decided on this one because it seemed to be a popular one to start with; a good overview.  The author actually has a pretty good sense of humor, too – I laughed out loud several times, so that helped.  It does a superb job in summarizing the Enneagram model – the personality types from 1 to 9, and how they all interconnect.  While we all have complex, unique personalities, and can be a combination of several numbers, it claims EVERY human will fit into one number more than any other – your ‘core’ number.  Figuring out which number you are can prove a little challenging for some, so this book explains the traits of each number in decent depth (with examples) in the hopes of helping you determine yours.  I figured mine out by the end of the book!  I am a ‘6’ with a ‘wing 5’ through and through. No doubt whatsoever. (You’ll have to read up if you want to know what that means!)  You can also take a test online (many of them are free, like this one) if you think you can answer the questions truthfully – but read the book before you take the test.  Sometimes it is hard to admit stuff, and that is the not-so-fun part of learning Enneagram. Every number has it’s positive and negative traits, and you just have to deal with it.  Truly understanding how you tick (and those around you) – can make a HUGE difference in life, though.  I’ve already applied what I have learned from this and found it to be amazingly useful.  I was kind of obsessed with this for awhile, so I want to share some things I learned along my journey:

#1 – Don’t just read the stuff about YOUR number(s), study them all!  I started out thinking I was a particular number (ironically, I was wrong) and sort of skipped around reading only about that one.

#2 –  Don’t give up.  Keep studying.  Retake the test a few times.  At a certain point the light bulb will go on and all doubts will cease about who you are, but it may take some time and some diligence.

#3 – Read it SLOWLY.  Absorb it.  Read it again.  Go back and cross-reference.

#4 – Read more than one book, and mix up your sources – there are a ton of them out there!

#5 – Share your knowledge!  It changed my life!  This was a 5-star book for me – big thumbs up.

#6 – Don’t go around categorizing everyone (out loud) in your life (or strangers for that matter) to an Enneagram number.  They don’t like this.  Trust me. LOL!  Plus, you could be wrong.  This is intensely personal stuff, but if you take the right tact, you could really experience some productive trail-blazing in your life.  I was emotionally ‘stuck’ when I picked this book up, and by the end I was able to take what I learned and push through some of my obstacles.  It was so cool!

Book Review #8 – Unrestrained by Joey W. Hill

Joey W. Hill; Unrestrained; Erotica; BDSM; BDSM Book; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

From Joey W. Hill—author of the Knights of the Boardroom series—comes a novel of erotic games and power plays, in which an adventurous woman attempts to break down her own barriers…

Athena is an accomplished businesswoman in control of every aspect of her life. But since the death of her husband, she’s had the desire to explore submissive cravings she’s had for some time. Unfortunately, Athena is known as a Mistress, because that’s the role she’s always played.

Her type A personality was strong enough to serve her husband as a Domme because that’s what he needed. It’s not until she meets Dale, a retired Navy SEAL, that she attempts to discover what her own submissive desires are. But letting go of her control is not so easy.

Fortunately, Dale is an accomplished Master who can help Athena live out her fantasies. And as she slowly surrenders to his touch, both of them will learn more about the nature of love between Dominant and submissive, and how it defies all expectations.

Joey W. Hill is one of my favorite authors – she is an amazing writer and does BDSM so well.  The description reeled me in immediately; as I love a great Dom/sub story, and when it involves older characters, I get REALLY excited. Being that I am in my late 40’s, it is hard to relate to 20-something virgins.  This story is unique also, in that the main female lead (Athena) is an experienced Domme (female dominant) that is recovering from the death of her husband and realizing that her submissive side is screaming to get out.  In comes retired Navy Seal Dale, who is now my new book boyfriend.  He is hot as hell, and one of the best Alpha Doms I’ve read in awhile, and if you aren’t completely in love with him (among other things) by the end of the book, I say there is something wrong with you – I don’t care what your gender or sexual affiliation is. (Seriously, he is a great, great character!)  Athena’s character is a higher class professional lady struggling with giving up control (as is common with many female submissives), but the author truly understands the power in submission, and it is a big breath of fresh air when you can feel that power within the pages.  Also, the story takes place in New Orleans, and you just can’t go wrong with that.

As much as I enjoyed this book, there were a few things that peeved me and prevented me from giving it 5 stars.  Athena started out as no-nonsense, headstrong and independent woman, and slowly unraveled into a weepy, irritating control freak.  I didn’t hate her by any means, I could feel for her character’s situation, but in one scene she is standing up to a physical attack like a wolf, then a few chapters later is paralyzed with fear over worrying what people will think of her status change (from domme to sub) at the local BDSM club.  I kept finding myself saying “Come ON, Athena, get your shit together!”.  Perhaps her character annoyed me because she reminds me of ME – a walking dichotomy at times, but I digress.  All in all, this story was beautifully written and captures perfectly what the BDSM lifestyle encompasses (or should, at least).

No comment on the rope in the first photo. 😉

Joey W. Hill; Unrestrained; Erotica; BDSM; BDSM Book; Book Reviews

Book Review #9 – The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc by Loraine Despres

The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc; Loraine Despres; Southern Bell Books; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

It’s a steamy June afternoon in Louisiana, circa 1956, and Sissy LeBlanc is sitting on her front porch, wondering — half seriously — if she could kill herself with aspirins and Coca-Cola. She’s been living in stifling old Gentry since the day she was born and trapped in a sham of a marriage to PeeWee LeBlanc since she was only seventeen. In short, she’s fed up, restless, and ready for an adventure.

Sissy just never imagined temptation would come into her life that breathless summer day as she sat smoking on her porch swing. For although she may have been fixated on the taut muscles of the lineman shimmying down the telephone pole across the street, she hadn’t allowed herself to imagine that he’d be none other than her high school sweetheart, Parker Davidson, who left town fourteen years before without so much as a wave good-bye. But suddenly, here he is, leaning in for a kiss that will stir up more excitement than Sissy could ever have imagined…

I think this was one of my favorite reads of the year!  This book had everything…snarky Southern humor, a good story, and a dark side.  You don’t get the full impact of this book from the summary on the back.  Actually, the description is quite misleading.  Going into it I thought it was going to be a light and funny novel about life in the 50’s in the South.  Well, that’s only partly true.  This book has some seriously dark underlying themes (more than one), and while I LOVED that surprise, I can see how some people might be unpleasantly surprised.  Some of the subject matter punches you in the gut.  Several times.  But, if you can deal, I HIGHLY recommend it!  At first you don’t know whether to love or hate Sissy, then…you just really love her.  Behind every snarky funny girl there is some heavy shit. That is just the way it is, and I get it.  In fact, I can relate with it.  Sissy also has this thing she does in the book where she is comprising a list of life’s wisdom called “The Southern Belle’s Handbook” – which are rules to live by.  I wrote some of them down!  Apparently I wasn’t the only one; you can buy the handbook here. Here’s one of the quotes:  “The most important thing about virtue is to talk as if you’re in favor of it.”  People either loved or hated this book, and I’m on the love side.  The haters seem to think that it represents a weak-willed woman just living to please men, but I didn’t get that AT ALL from this book.  Quite the opposite, really.  You have to read between the lines, and maybe have lived some of these truths to ‘get it’, but love her or hate her, we can learn a lot from Sissy.  Truly.

I think it’s best if you not know any more about this book going in; I warned you about the dark stuff, but that’s all you’re getting!  You’re welcome!

The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc; Loraine Despres; Southern Bell Books; Book Reviews

How can you not love the cover?!?

Book Review #10 – Eleven Hours by Paullina Simons

Paullina Simons; Eleven Hours; Book Reviews; Paullina Simons Books

Amazon excerpt:

A compelling, heartrending tale of a woman in danger and the man who’s desperate to find her, from the internationally bestselling author of TULLY and ROAD TO PARADISE.  A heavily pregnant young woman is leaving the shopping mall to head home on a horribly hot day in Texas.  Her normal life of shopping, husband, children, with the extra excitement of the imminent baby, stretches before her.  And then she is bundled into a car and kidnapped by a desperate young man. What does he want?  Where are they going?  In scenes that alternate between the desperate husband, pursuing by car and helicopter with an alarmingly laid-back FBI man, who may or may not be as good as he thinks he is at rescuing hostages, and the more and more threatened wife, Eleven Hours is a tour de force of storytelling power.

This was the quickest Paullina Simons book I’ve ever read!  Ha!  Usually her books are 500+ pages, so this actually surprised me.  I loved the premise, and I love Paullina Simons, so I gave it go.  Even though it is shorter, it is intense.  I don’t know anything about being pregnant, but I could literally FEEL the character’s discomfort – especially the heat and the thirst.  ‘Didi’, the female lead gets kidnapped from a shopping mall during a heat wave in Texas, while she is only days away from her due date.  The man who kidnaps her is hell-bent on getting to an undisclosed location, and the ‘eleven hours’ she is with him is an interesting, crazy, scary and very odd journey.  At first I didn’t care for Didi; but she grew on me.  The thing about Paullina Simons’ books is that she creates main characters you don’t always like – but weaves a tale so intricate it’s like rubber-necking to watch a horrific car accident; you can’t help but watch (or read, in this case).  I really enjoyed this story, but if I had a complaint, it would be that some of the character’s decisions didn’t seem realistic.  Although, we can nit-pick all we want, who truly knows what you would do in such a situation?  I just went along for the ride, and tried not to criticize.  It isn’t her best novel, but it was certainly a fun read.  I would agree with some, that this book is not like any of her others.

Book Review #11 – Our Kind of Cruelty by Araminta Hall

Our Kind of Cruelty; Araminta Hall; Book Reviews; BOTM; Book of the Month

Amazon excerpt:

A spellbinding, darkly twisted novel about desire and obsession, and the complicated lines between truth and perception, Our Kind of Cruelty introduces Araminta Hall, a chilling new voice in psychological suspense.

This is a love story. Mike’s love story.

Mike Hayes fought his way out of a brutal childhood and into a quiet, if lonely, life before he met Verity Metcalf. V taught him about love, and in return, Mike has dedicated his life to making her happy. He’s found the perfect home, the perfect job; he’s sculpted himself into the physical ideal V has always wanted. He knows they’ll be blissfully happy together.

It doesn’t matter that she hasn’t been returning his e-mails or phone calls.
It doesn’t matter that she says she’s marrying Angus.

It’s all just part of the secret game they used to play. If Mike watches V closely, he’ll see the signs. If he keeps track of her every move, he’ll know just when to come to her rescue . . .

OMG, this book was chilling, and disturbing as hell – I’m not kidding!  The subtleties and nuances in this story are just ferocious.  The way the author spun obsession into believable justification was brilliant!  You as the reader may become alarmed at the inner dialog of the main character, but seeing it transform into something so dark for the characters is the frightening part.  I was impressed with this book, and while is was not gory, it was definitely horrific.  Mike and Verity, an ex-couple, used to play a dangerous game.  They have (seemingly) gone their separate ways, at least that is what it looks like on the outside, but have they?  Mike is convinced they have just taken their game to the next level…

I highly recommend this one for those who love a good psychological thriller.  (The ending…yikes!)

Book Review #12 – Coasters by Jacqueline Britton

Coasters; Jacqueline Britton; Book Reviews; Kindle Books

Amazon excerpt:

Jennifer Marshall is a textile designer transforming the world of high fashion. She soars in her career, collaborating with top designers to create some of the most innovative textiles and modern successes. But her personal life is bittersweet. She is torn between the love of two men, neither of whom, are fully hers. She carefully guards her personal privacy and her secret double life while trying to steer a path toward clarity and who is really her destiny.

Paul Summers captivates Jennifer with a chemistry that makes her skin tingle, but he is emotionally unavailable. Josh Russo touches her soul at its very core, and from the beginning they feel like they are old friends.

A tragic accident rips Jennifer from her normal life, fracturing her body, thrusting her into a coma. In this dream state, one perfect mate resides in her mind, and she lives in an idyllic fantasy world filled with mermaid beauty, freedom, and complete love. Their lives go on, unaware of Jennifer’s struggle for her very life, and a new guardian emerges who is determined to know her and bring her back from the brink.

It takes a full circle of time and healing for Jennifer to realize what she had, what she lost, and what really matters.

[Definition of Coasters] a small dish, tray, or mat, especially for placing under a glass to protect a table from moisture; alternate usage, for the sending of love notes across a bar.

So this was not a typical read for me!  I chose it because I was about to embark on a month-long road trip and wanted to fill my Kindle with books I wouldn’t normally choose.  I’m all for new experiences!  The description piqued my interest – destiny and dream states…hmmm. I didn’t know if I would enjoy or not, but I honestly did.  The thing I liked the most was that the main character (Jennifer) did not crumble or act like a victim after she experienced a horrific accident.  The writing was good, and I liked the almost ‘magical’ fate at the end.  Usually I kind of roll my eyes at that kind of thing, but this one I liked.  It was for sure a ‘feel good’ story, but the pain of getting there kept me turning the pages.  My life is nothing like Jennifer’s, but the author was able to make her so relatable.  For me, it was a nice change from my norm.  My takeaway from this book: You never know what unexpected challenge life is going to throw at you, but these challenges can change your life forever in ways you never could have imagined.

Coasters; Jaqueline Britton; Book Reviews; Kindle Books

I took this silly photo when I was laying in a hotel bed reading ‘Coasters’ in Key Largo, Florida!  Good times!

Book Review #13 – I’ll Be Your Blue Sky by Marisa De Los Santos

I'll Be Your Blue Sky; Marisa De Los Santos; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

The New York Times bestselling author revisits the characters from her beloved novels Love Walked Inand Belong to Me in this captivating, beautifully written drama involving family, friendship, secrets, sacrifice, courage, and true love for fans of Jojo Moyes, Elin Hilderbrand, and Nancy Thayer.

On the weekend of her wedding, Clare Hobbes meets an elderly woman named Edith Herron. During the course of a single conversation, Edith gives Clare the courage to do what she should have done months earlier: break off her engagement to her charming—yet overly possessive—fiancé.

Three weeks later, Clare learns that Edith has died—and has given her another gift. Nestled in crepe myrtle and hydrangea and perched at the marshy edge of a bay in a small seaside town in Delaware, Blue Sky House now belongs to Clare. Though the former guest house has been empty for years, Clare feels a deep connection to Edith inside its walls, which are decorated with old photographs taken by Edith and her beloved husband, Joseph.

Exploring the house, Clare finds two mysterious ledgers hidden beneath the kitchen sink. Edith, it seems, was no ordinary woman—and Blue Sky House no ordinary place. With the help of her mother, Viviana, her surrogate mother, Cornelia Brown, and her former boyfriend and best friend, Dev Tremain, Clare begins to piece together the story of Blue Sky House—a decades-old mystery more complex and tangled than she could have imagined. As she peels back the layers of Edith’s life, Clare discovers a story of dark secrets, passionate love, heartbreaking sacrifice, and incredible courage. She also makes startling discoveries about herself: where she’s come from, where she’s going, and what—and who—she loves.

Shifting between the 1950’s and the present and told in the alternating voices of Edith and Clare, I’ll Be Your Blue Sky is vintage Marisa De Los Santos—an emotionally evocative novel that probes the deepest recesses of the human heart and illuminates the tender connections that bind our lives.

Like book review #12 above, this was a ‘different’ choice in genre for me since I wanted to branch out a little from my usual horror, smut or thriller for a bit.  What drew me in at first was the ‘breaking off of an engagement right before the wedding’ part in the description after meeting an elderly woman who changes her life.  This seemed very intriguing to me and it got high marks, so I went with it.  I’m so glad I did!  I was mesmerized from the very first page; as the main character was down to earth and realistic, and I REALLY wanted to see where the author was taking this story.  It is very well written with just enough (intricate) detail to make you feel like you are there.  It is almost poetic in parts, and it pulled on my heart strings in many places.  It gave me some new and unique perspectives on life – which is one of the reasons I love to read so much.  It is books like this that can change your world – and I don’t mean to be sappy when I say that, it is just the plain truth!

I don’t want to give too much away, but this book had some wonderful characters – I loved Clare, Cornelia, Dev and ESPECIALLY Edith – among a bunch of others!  The banter between childhood sweethearts-to-friends Clare & Dev was funny and heart warming – just loved that part – but Edith, the mysterious elderly lady, stole the show!  What an absolutely fascinating character!  This was an epic story and I loved every single minute of it right to the end – including a bit of twist that is absolutely perfect.  It is good to get out of a reading rut and try new things, and this book made that detour extremely enjoyable.  I think I may broaden my horizons more often!  I will definitely be reading more from this author, plus, the characters in this book appear in some of her other novels, so I’m excited about that.

Book Review #14 – A Song in the Daylight by Paullina Simons

A Song in the Daylight; Paullina Simons; Paullina Simons Books; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

From USA Today bestselling author Paullina Simons comes a fascinating novel of love, betrayal, and the price of passion.

Nothing is ever as it seems…

Larissa Stark is many things. Wife, mother, devoted friend, and unhappy. Her seemingly charmed life in a New Jersey suburb should leave her fulfilled and content. Instead, she feels increasingly isolated and empty. But when she has a chance encounter with an intriguing stranger, her idyllic existence is exposed for the sham it is and leads her to question everything she once firmly believed. 

As Larissa is faced with one impossible choice after another, she begins to contemplate the unthinkable and struggles with the question that will inevitably change the course of her life: how does one woman follow a divided heart?

Spanning the affluent suburbs of New Jersey, the slums of Manila, and the desolate beauty of the Australian outback, A Song in the Daylight is an unforgettable, powerful story of the bonds that unite us—and the desires that can ultimately drive us apart.

Paullina Simons is another one of my very favorite authors – and it’s not smut, go figure!  Some people only really like her ‘Bronze Horseman‘ trilogy (which put her on the stardom map), but I think she is brilliant in ALL her writings, and here’s why. Paullina writes difficult characters, and her books are generally 500 pages or MORE (this one is almost 800 pages), so you are extremely familiar and invested in the characters by the end. To me, it is like the difference between watching a 2 hour movie, or a several-year series like Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead. If you are looking to always fall in love with her main characters, and have the story unfold the way you want, and have it end the way you prefer – you won’t like this author. Myself, on the other hand – I enjoy my emotions going all over the place, and subsequently, my opinions about human nature changing and evolving. I often end up in tears with her books. This is what makes a great writer, IMHO. Life is not a neatly wrapped package.

So, “A Song in the Daylight”, what can I say?  This story is about Larissa, a spoiled but complicated and educated housewife in the NJ suburbs who happens upon a stranger one day who changes her life forever.  Sometimes I could identify with Larissa, but mostly I wanted to strangle her or punch her in the face (or both).  Still, she was fascinating, and I had to keep reading.  I’m not going to be able to say much more about this book without spoiling it, but there is a (long) journey from Larissa’s point of view in part, and her husband in part. I found the ending quite satisfying. It isn’t what you call a ‘happy’ novel – it has some truly cringe-worthy stuff in it – but I read this huge book in record time (for me), and I am putting it up there in my favorites. You may not agree – people either love it or hate it – but I encourage you to read some Paullina Simons.  She WILL change you, like it or not.

A Song in the Daylight; Paullina Simons; Paullina Simons Books; Book Reviews

My favorite thing in the whole world – curled up reading with my fuzzy buddy, Jack.  Note to self:  Get Paullina Simons novels on Kindle from now on.  You could kill somebody with the size of this paperback – GEEzus!

Book Review #15 – Thorne: Rose’s Dark Contract by R.B. O’Brien

Thorne Rose's Dark Contract Book; RB O'Brien; Erotica; BDSM; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven…the primrose path—Shakespeare

William Thorne is a powerful man with dark needs and a troubled past who doesn’t have the time nor the desire for romantic relationships or notions. 

Through meticulous planning and iron-clad contracts, Thorne has managed to maintain a modicum of balance, control, and happiness by employing personal assistants to aid him in all aspects of his professional and personal life. 

Sex with no strings attached. Obedience without questions. An arrangement of mutual benefit. No mess. No love. No expectations. Nothing beyond a signed contract.

But when Thorne meets recent music grad, Victoria Rose, the shy and beautiful down-on-her-luck waitress, obsession replaces his carefully constructed thinking. He becomes so fixated on having her, without a full understanding of who she is, that he rushes her contract, making mistake after mistake before the ink even dries. His once neat and controlled existence becomes blurred and smudged. 

Can the mistakes he makes be erased from Rose’s dark contract? Or will the damage leave an indelible mark that nobody could have seen coming?

I’m guessing you realize that I’m a huge dark romance lover by this point.  I really enjoy the darker side of erotica, rather than sweet vanilla sex and prince charming shit.  Messed up people and situations are just so much more interesting!  This novel has the typical elements I tend to see in this genre; the emotionally unavailable alpha male with a troubled past, and the desperate and shy female who rocks his world.  It does get a bit old reading the same type of characters all the time, but if the story is good or has a different spin, and the author can make you FEEL, then it gets the job done.  Unfortunately this one didn’t do it for me.  The story line was interesting enough, but the characters lacked depth and the whole thing kind of bored me.  It wasn’t a horrible book, but there are so many more amazing ones out there that this one just got lost in the mix for me.  I did like the ‘twist’ at the end – I actually didn’t see it coming, but the book didn’t have enough other redeeming qualities to make my top picks list. The sex scenes weren’t all that steamy, and I didn’t care for the male lead.  I enjoy reading assholes and difficult personalities, but I really wanted to kick this guy in the nuts and that never changed.  The female lead wasn’t all that great either.  I did see a lot of other good reviews on this book, so perhaps I’m in the minority on this, but if you read a lot of this genre, you may find it lacking like I did.  Just sayin’.

Book Review #16 – Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay

The Cabin at the End of the World; Paul Tremblay; Horror Books; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake. Their closest neighbors are more than two miles in either direction along a rutted dirt road.

One afternoon, as Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young, friendly, and he wins her over almost instantly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologizes and tells Wen, “None of what’s going to happen is your fault”. Three more strangers then arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out: “Your dads won’t want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world.”

Thus begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are entwined. The Cabin at the End of the World is a masterpiece of terror and suspense from the fantastically fertile imagination of Paul Tremblay.

This book is a TRIP!  Several times while reading I thought to myself “Did that just happen?!?  Holy Fuck!”  This book pulls no punches.  It isn’t for the faint of heart.  You may not like what happens to some of the characters.  BUT, given that, what a wild ride!  Once you know nothing is off limits with this author, it can get your heart pumping pretty good.  The first few chapters were very descriptive, and not much happens, but just wait.  Seriously.  Bask in the calmness of the first few chapters while you can, because it rips you apart all over the place after that.

My first recommendation if you dare to read this book is to brush up on your knowledge of the four horseman of the apocalypse – it will help you understand some of the references.  Second, don’t eat before reading – it’s gory!  Third, make sure you are rested up, because you won’t be able to stop reading the goddamned thing.  There was only one negative for me…and that was the ending.  It seemed a little sappy to me; I was hoping for something a little darker to match the vibe of the book.  But other than that, I enjoyed it thoroughly.

The Cabin at the End of the World; Paul Tremblay; Horror Books; Book Reviews

Book Review #17 – Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine; Gail Honeyman; Book Reviews; Wine & Books

Amazon excerpt:

No one’s ever told Eleanor that life should be better than fine. 

Meet Eleanor Oliphant: She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she’s thinking. Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding social interactions, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy. 

But everything changes when Eleanor meets Raymond, the bumbling and deeply unhygienic IT guy from her office. When she and Raymond together save Sammy, an elderly gentleman who has fallen on the sidewalk, the three become the kinds of friends who rescue one another from the lives of isolation they have each been living. And it is Raymond’s big heart that will ultimately help Eleanor find the way to repair her own profoundly damaged one.

Soon to be a major motion picture produced by Reese Witherspoon, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fineis the smart, warm, and uplifting story of an out-of-the-ordinary heroine whose deadpan weirdness and unconscious wit make for an irresistible journey as she realizes. . . 
The only way to survive is to open your heart. 

I’ve read some other reviews on this book, and while it got high marks for the most part, the negatives complained the author droned on and on about the unnecessary details of Eleanor’s life and was therefore tedious and annoying.  This is my take…

This book sorta wrecked me emotionally.  I wasn’t expecting it to.  It is true that the writer spends a lot of time on the intricacies of Eleanor’s daily existence, but to get the full picture of who she really is, those details ARE necessary. In my opinion, that is.  I enjoyed getting to know each character and totally fell for Raymond, the IT guy that befriends Eleanor.  Eleanor is a little different (to put it mildly) due to some tragedy in her past, and her thought processes and comments were hilarious at times, and heart-breaking at others.  Just when you finish having a good giggle, you then want to cry because of the rawness of it all.  I don’t think there is a person alive that hasn’t experienced some sort of abuse – whether it be bullying, family-related or in relationships.  It’s a part of life, and it builds character to a point.  But when it is horrific enough to alter your perceptions of reality, or mental wellness, then it is a problem.  That in a nutshell is what this book is all about, however there is an uplifting spin on it and I feel this book is worth a read and then some.  I won’t spoil it for you, but there is a little bit of a twist near the end, and that’s when you really understand.  I think my thought at that particular revealing moment was “Oh noooo.  No, no, nooooo.”

So, to sum up, this read is a drama (not action-packed), and is an emotional rollercoaster.  I did enjoy it, and the author did a number on my heart, so that is a thumb’s up in my world.  But prepare yourself.  Apparently there is a movie coming out, so you may want to grab a copy before it’s release!  It is a rule with me that I read a book BEFORE the movie comes out.

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine; Gail Honeyman; Book Reviews; Wine & Books

I had to have some wine during certain parts of this book – Eleanor’s ‘chats with mummy‘ were especially difficult for me.

Book Review #18 – Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Big Little Lies; Liane Moriarty; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

Sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal…
A murder…a tragic accident…or just parents behaving badly? 
What’s indisputable is that someone is dead. But who did what?

Big Little Lies follows three women, each at a crossroads:

Madeline is a force to be reckoned with. She’s funny and biting, passionate, she remembers everything and forgives no one. Her ex-husband and his yogi new wife have moved into her beloved beachside community, and their daughter is in the same kindergarten class as Madeline’s youngest (how is this possible?). And to top it all off, Madeline’s teenage daughter seems to be choosing Madeline’s ex-husband over her. (How. Is. This. Possible?).

Celeste is the kind of beautiful woman who makes the world stop and stare. While she may seem a bit flustered at times, who wouldn’t be, with those rambunctious twin boys? Now that the boys are starting school, Celeste and her husband look set to become the king and queen of the school parent body. But royalty often comes at a price, and Celeste is grappling with how much more she is willing to pay.

New to town, single mom Jane is so young that another mother mistakes her for the nanny. Jane is sad beyond her years and harbors secret doubts about her son. But why? While Madeline and Celeste soon take Jane under their wing, none of them realizes how the arrival of Jane and her inscrutable little boy will affect them all.

Big Little Lies is a brilliant take on ex-husbands and second wives, mothers and daughters, schoolyard scandal, and the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive.

I took me a reeeeeally long time to finally get to this book.  I had it on my bookshelf forever.  Why?  Because I don’t have kids, I don’t want kids, and I certainly didn’t feel the need to read about a bunch of petty, crazy moms with kids.  I did all the eye-rolling when I got it in a subscription box, and plonked it down and left it buried.  I WAS A FUCKING IDIOT.  This is now one of my favorite books of ALL TIME!

This story took me completely by surprise, although it really shouldn’t have because I have enjoyed all of the Liane Moriarty Books that I’ve read.  I knew it would have impressive complex character development, but I honestly wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did.  Even as a childless person, I could relate with these women on many levels, and I will be forever saying ‘Oh, Calamity!’ now – as weird as that sounds.  I think my favorite part of this book is the humor; but the dark subjects were also really well done.  I ended up watching the HBO series immediately after finishing the book and binge-watched the whole season.  The show was great too, but it was (of course) not nearly as good as the book.  Can’t wait for Season 2!

Big Little Lies; Liane Moriarty; Book Reviews

Book Review #19 – The Anomaly by Michael Rutger

The Anomaly; Michael Rutger; Book Review

Amazon excerpt:

Not all secrets are meant to be found.

If Indiana Jones lived in the X-Files era, he might bear at least a passing resemblance to Nolan Moore — a rogue archaeologist hosting a documentary series derisively dismissed by the “real” experts, but beloved of conspiracy theorists.

Nolan sets out to retrace the steps of an explorer from 1909 who claimed to have discovered a mysterious cavern high up in the ancient rock of the Grand Canyon. And, for once, he may have actually found what he seeks. Then the trip takes a nasty turn, and the cave begins turning against them in mysterious ways.

Nolan’s story becomes one of survival against seemingly impossible odds. The only way out is to answer a series of intriguing questions: What is this strange cave? How has it remained hidden for so long? And what secret does it conceal that made its last visitors attempt to seal it forever?

I read this book in just a few days (which is fast for me) because it had that ‘old-school’ build up in it that makes you NEED to know what happens.  It starts out with a quick, tense and frightening action scene, then starts introducing you to the main characters.  You then follow them on their journey to the Grand Canyon to hunt for a mysterious and infamous cave.  The best part of this book was the banter between the characters – OMG, it was LOL funny – and I wasn’t expecting that.  The author has an awesome dry & sarcastic sense of humor which I think will resonate with most people.  Here is a quote I particularly liked:

“Whose side are you on?”

“The side of not getting killed.  For future reference, that’s the side I’m always on.”

The description was accurate in that it really did have an ‘Indiana Jones’ feel with a side of ‘X-Files’.  I really enjoyed the scenic descriptions of the canyon, as well as the intense dread and claustrophobia inside the cave.  It made me squirm in some parts!  As the cave starts to reveal it’s secrets, it does get a little ‘out there‘ – and that’s why the ‘X-Files’ reference.  It is a combo of history, archaeology and science fiction (on purpose); but what others may have found ‘absurd’, I found interesting.  The imagination of the author was pretty impressive to me, really.  I mean, some of the best stories out there have crazy unrealistic themes, so I wasn’t put off by that at all.  I like thinking outside of the box.  And who knows?!?  Truth is stranger than fiction often times, so if you are open to the extreme, or can at least appreciate an entertaining story, I think you will enjoy this book as much as I did.

Book Review #20 – Maisy’s Keeper (Club Drift Book 1) by Saffron Hayes

Maisy's Keeper; Saffron Hayes; BDSM; Erotica; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

A hidden world, a dashing man to guide her through it, and a whole new identity to explore…

An impulsive moment of curiosity propels event planner Maisy Bennett into the glamorous tunnels of Club Drift, an elegant haven for BDSM enthusiasts hidden beneath London.

There she meets Dan, an experienced Dom who is happy to show her the ropes, but determined not to form attachments.

When Maisy’s present and Dan’s past conspire to keep her adrift, can Maisy find a place in this strange new world?

This is a full-length standalone Romance novel. The next book in the series will be set in the same universe but have a different couple at its heart.

This was a wonderfully written story!  For anyone out there interested in the BDSM world, and what the clubs are really like, this author knows first hand.  The descriptions and concepts were accurate and fun to read – and I really liked all the colorful characters.  The relationship happenned fast; as is typical for romance-type novels – you gotta get to the point quickly, or risk losing the attention of the reader.  So if you keep in mind that such intense feelings and connections don’t (and shouldn’t) happen that fast, and that it is just a necessity for writing in this genre, then it all seems fairly realistic and entertaining at the same time.  I wouldn’t call this an action-packed type of story, but it was an enjoyable erotic drama all the same.  I will be reading more from this author!

Book Review #21 – Black Bird by Michael Fiegel

Black Bird; Michael Fiegel; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

Michael Fiegel’s darkly compelling debut tells the story of an unusual bond between two killers—and the destruction left in their wake.

A cold-blooded killer-for-hire, Edison North drifts across America from city to city, crime scene to crime scene, leaving behind a world in flames. But during a seemingly random stop at a fast food restaurant, Edison meets Christian, a young girl who mirrors his own sense of isolation and stink of “other.” Though it’s been a long time since he felt anything resembling a human connection, something about this desperately lonely child calls to him like a fallen nestling. Edison feels certain she deserves better. And while he is not convinced that he can give her that, he can teach her to fly on her own. So he takes her.

Thus begin the chronicles of Edison North—and his protégé. Weaving together past and present, Edison begins Christian’s strange apprenticeship as Christian looks back upon her fractured upbringing and the training that made her into the killer she’s become. What emerges is a savage—and ultimately tender—exploration of the unlikely bond between two outsiders: a fledgling assassin and the man who took her under his wing.

Those who loved the movie “Leon: The Professional” will love this book, however the book is way grittier.  A professional killer abducts an 8 year old girl from a fast food restaurant on a whim, and because her home life is shitty, she doesn’t try to escape. His plan is to groom her to work with him in the future, which he does.  The killer is a brutal murderer without a conscience, but he is NOT a pedophile, so that was a relief, but the innocent girl is influenced by his ways, so you do have to decide if YOU, the reader, can handle that.  I, myself, loved this book!  It had a controversial roughness to it that was laced with heart and humor.  Here are some quotes from the book I wrote down that stood out to me:

“I’d been abducted by the most boring murderer in the world.”

“And lately, the noise from her earbuds sounds like a missile strike on a chainsaw testing facility.”

“We could be throwing grenades taped to kittens and there would be zero risk of getting caught.  Kitty-kitty bang-bang.”

“Ah, yes.  People fascinate me.  I could kill them for hours.”

I would say ‘Black Bird’ is more of a disturbing psychological read, rather than horror – although there is some gore.  It had a good balance of everything, and the intensity went up and down, giving you a needed break every now and then.  I loved the ending, too.  I found it to have a satisfying conclusion, yet leaving things open enough for a sequel.  I recommend!

Black Bird; Michael Fiegel; Book Reviews

It was a great book to curl up with!

Black Bird; Michael Fiegel; Book Notes; Book Quotes; Book Review

All book nerds take notes!  LOL!

Book Review #22 – Master of the Mountain (Dark Haven Book 1) by Cherise Sinclair

Master of the Mountain; Cherise Sinclair; BDSM; Erotica; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

Rebecca thinks she is overweight and boring. Logan disagrees.

When Rebecca’s lover talks her into a mountain lodge vacation with his swing club, she soon learns she’s not cut out for playing musical beds. But with her boyfriend “entertaining” in their cabin, she has nowhere to sleep. Logan, the lodge owner, finds her freezing on the porch. After hauling her inside, he warms her in his own bed, and there the experienced Dominant discovers that Rebecca might not be a swinger…but she is definitely a submissive.

Rebecca believes that no one can love her plump, scarred body. Logan disagrees. He loves her curves, and under his skilled hands, Rebecca loses not only her inhibitions, but also her heart.

Logan knows they have no future. Damaged from the war, he considers himself too dangerous to be in any relationship. Once the weekend is over, he’ll have to send the city-girl subbie back to her own world. But will driving her away protect Rebecca or scar them both?

The first thing I want to say is, don’t let the Harlequin-Romance-looking cover fool you – this is BDSM erotica!  I had heard so many good things about author Cherise Sinclair, and the description of this book in particular fit my fancy.  BDSM?  Check.  A curvy, older female lead?  Check.  A Smokin’ hot Mountain Man?  BIG CHECK!

This book takes the reader on a long weekend trip with our curvy and feisty heroine who discovers she is not frigid like her butthole boyfriend thinks (just because she doesn’t want to ‘swing’), but is a submissive waiting to be found by the right Dominant. Insert Logan, war veteran turned mountain man. He is the perfect rugged Dom who runs the lodge hosting their weekend, however you do get a small taste of “Dark Haven” (a BDSM club) at the end – that I can’t wait to read more about in the series.  I really liked the characters (there’s a dog, too!), and the writing was solid; I was never bored.  This was a fast, but very enjoyable read for me.  I tend to read erotica when I need a quick break from other genres; although I’ve been reading a shitload of it lately.  I will definitely be reading more Cherise Sinclair – she does really hot BDSM!

Book Review #23 – The Mars Room by Rachel Kushner

The Mars Room; Rachel Kushner; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

From twice National Book Award–nominated Rachel Kushner, whose Flamethrowers was called “the best, most brazen, most interesting book of the year” (Kathryn Schulz, New York magazine), comes a spectacularly compelling, heart-stopping novel about a life gone off the rails in contemporary America.

It’s 2003 and Romy Hall is at the start of two consecutive life sentences at Stanville Women’s Correctional Facility, deep in California’s Central Valley. Outside is the world from which she has been severed: the San Francisco of her youth and her young son, Jackson. Inside is a new reality: thousands of women hustling for the bare essentials needed to survive; the bluffing and pageantry and casual acts of violence by guards and prisoners alike; and the deadpan absurdities of institutional living, which Kushner evokes with great humor and precision.

Stunning and unsentimental, The Mars Room demonstrates new levels of mastery and depth in Kushner’s work. It is audacious and tragic, propulsive and yet beautifully refined. As James Wood said in The New Yorker, her fiction “succeeds because it is so full of vibrantly different stories and histories, all of them particular, all of them brilliantly alive.”

I hated this fucking book.  I really did.  It got rave reviews by so many people and I don’t get it, but to each his own I guess.  Let’s start with the fact that it is boring.  B.O.R.I.N.G!  I could not get into it; nothing happens.  Ever.  It is sad and depressing, and not all that ‘edgy’.  I mean please.  Trust me, I live for edgy.  Some of the characters are mildly interesting, but mostly just pathetic and again, boring.  If it was a true story, I could maybe be OK with it, but I don’t know even then.  I understand what the author was trying do here – she was making a statement.  The people (women) in the prison system are basically born into it; doomed to fail because of circumstances mostly out of their control.  I get it.  It’s reality.  The gritty realities of life can be important to read about, but for me there has to be a good reason to spend the time reading a FICTION book about it, when you see it on the news all the time.  Does the writer change my mind about something?  Does it fuck with my emotions?  Is it well written and keep my attention?  I could not say yes to any of these with this book.  The ending was the worst part.  You don’t even really know what actually happens.  If you take it at face value, NOTHING happens.  The character is just in the same place…no change…no epiphanies…nothing.  Just a big waste of time, I’m sorry.  If you are interested in life in a women’s prison, ‘Orange is the New Black‘ is MUCH better – go with that one.

Book Review #24 – Simon Says: Mine (Dark Haven Book 2) by Cherise Sinclair

Simon Says Mine; Cherise Sinclair; BDSM; Erotica; Dark Haven Series; Book Reviews

Amazon excerpt:

With an empty nest and divorce in hand, Rona decides it’s time to explore the fantasies that nourished her through a long, tedious marriage to a man whose idea of outrageous sex was leaving the lights on. At the top of her fantasy list is touring Dark Haven, the BDSM club, but she isn’t prepared for the effect of a powerful Dom. When Master Simon takes control and introduces her to toys and sensations she’s never felt before, she realizes he could fulfill every fantasy on her list all by himself. But she’s vowed to never get trapped in a relationship again.

One of the most popular Doms in Dark Haven, Master Simon has had his fill of eager, shallow, young subs. Rona is older, intelligent, independent…and sweetly submissive. After an evening of intense pleasure and despite her obvious attraction, she refuses to see him again. He needs a way to change her mind. She’s not the first sub he’s taken on a journey of exploration, but he’s beginning to think she might be the last.

So, after discovering author Cherise Sinclair recently, I decided to get the 2nd book in the ‘Dark Haven’ series.  Each book in this series is a standalone story with new characters, but they all have the ‘Dark Haven’ BDSM club in common.  There are appearances from previous characters, too.  In this story we meet Simon, a Dominant (and brief character in the first book), and Rona, an older divorced woman wanting to explore her wilder side.

I loved Simon – he is that rare breed of Dominant that EVERY submissive is looking for, but Rona…she bugged the hell outta me.  The best way I could describe her is, she is a gruff and stubborn dork.  She has a good heart, but she acted kind of like a butch grandma, and because of that, I just didn’t buy that the hot and experienced Simon would be so taken with her. I get that this was a novella, so there really wasn’t much time for character development, but I was a little disappointed after loving the first book so much.

Kindle Leather Case; Persimmon Leather Kindle Case; Amazon Kindle

Leather Kindle Paperwhite Case in Persimmon – $39.99

If you love books as much as I do, I’m guessing you also love book-related items!  I wanted to share a few things with you that I purchased this year that I really, really liked.  The first thing is this leather Kindle Paperwhite case.  My old one bit the dust, but I loved it, so I decided to get another one in a different color.  The one I had previously was a light dusty pink color (not made by Kindle) and it got dirty pretty quick, so I decided to go with persimmon this time.  It is an orangy-red, and it is stunning!  I can always easily find it in my purse or suit case, and so far it is staying cleaner due to it’s darker color.  I am constantly reading, and about 50% of my books are on Kindle, so this was a necessary purchase for me as well.  My other case lasted about 2 years with heavy use, but this new one is made by Kindle and seems to be a little more durable, so it may last longer – we’ll see.  Now I need the new waterproof Kindle Paperwhite so I can read with it in the bathtub!  It’s going on the Christmas list. 😉

Kindle Leather Case; Persimmon Leather Kindle Case; Amazon Kindle

It has a ‘hard’ leather cover (for protection), with a magnetic closure that turns your Kindle Paperwhite on/off when you open and close it.  Snazzy!

Obvious State; Obvious State Floral Bookmark Collection

Romantic Poets Bookmark Set by Obvious State – $5  (This set may be out of print now, but you can find similar ones here that are equally as cool.)

Larger-than-life florals bring the sublime, provocative words of Romantic era poets to life. Set of six: Blake, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Coleridge and Wordsworth.

-Set of six designs
-Size: 2 x 6 inches
-Paper: Heavy, smooth matte paper

The Mars Room; Rachel Kushner; Book Reviews; Obvious State Bookmarks;

I love Obvious State products, and these bookmarks are so pretty – and perfectly functional.

obvious state; book tote; obvious state harmony tote

William Wordsworth “Harmony” Tote (Bloom Collection) – $19.95

Larger-than-life florals bring the sublime, provocative words of Romantic era poets to life. This structured, sturdy tote fits the essentials and includes a roomy interior pocket so you don’t have dig for your cellphone and keys.

-13” x 15” with 24” handles

-Handmade and printed in Brooklyn, NY

-Premium, heavy 100% natural cotton canvas

-Hand-pulled print, colors may vary slightly

-Extra long black handles, 1” gusset

More Obvious State!  When I ordered the bookmarks, I saw this tote and fell in love.  I have approximately 500 book tote bags, but this is one of my favs.

THE END.  FINALLY!  I hope you enjoyed my reviews.  If you got all the way through, big hugs & kisses!  Have a comment?  Leave one below.  Have a question?  Contact me here.  Until next time, happy reading!

TTFN, CrazyDogMama xoxo

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About the Author

Hi, I’m Cheryl, a.k.a. "CrazyDogMama". Welcome to my blog - it's about time you visited! Anything and everything goes here - seriously. I'm a 40-something introverted writer and maker of body care products.

I am obsessed with books (mainly the Holy Bible of late), writing, essential oils, intermittent fasting, road trips, subscription boxes, and all geeky things related to earthquakes, space weather and the last days written about in Revelation. I exist mainly on coffee. I'm not above writing about uncomfortable subjects, and political correctness isn't my priority, I'm just real. I also love Jesus. So, if you're good with all that, take a look around and get to know me! Even if you're not, I try my best to entertain and offer up good advice occasionally, so hopefully there is a little something here for everyone.

Oh, and my dog Jack is my muse, so I like to exploit him here. ;-)

This is my life.

Simply Earth

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