Gina Louise Bling Box Review, April May & June 2016 With Coupon Code!

Yeah, I’m so far behind that I have had to start doing multiple-month reviews of a box in a single post! After I thought about it though, I think I might be onto something! When I look at other box subscription review sites, I always have to look at several months of posts for one box (and go back and forth a couple times) because I like to get a really good idea of what the subscription sends out. So, doing it THIS way, all you have to do is scroll through ONE post to get a good sampling!  Doesn’t that sound good?  I thought so too.  🙂  So that is what I have going on here, like it or not. Today I want to introduce you to GINA LOUISE, the owner and designer of a trendy vintage and Bohemian style clothing and accessory brand called Gina Louise Designs!

Gina is a wonderful lady who curates an awesome (and relatively new) monthly box subscription called the “Gina Louise Bling Box“. I chose Gina Louise because I love all the fun colors and UNIQUE pieces that I saw on her site, and I also love boutique-style clothing. She also carries plus-sizes, and there are currently very few clothing boxes right now that do that, that appeal to me. Some are starting to catch on, though, so I suspect you will start to see more and more as time goes by. This ‘fluffy’ woman HATES going to the mall. I would much rather have someone style me and send me stuff that I can try on at my own convenience at home – AND have three days to decide on what I want to keep or not! I don’t know about you, but it sucks to have to make a decision right away in a store. I have to mull. I will be sharing my first three boxes from Gina Louise with you, titled one month at a time below. I pay for this subscription, and my review is honest and includes my own personal opinions.

NOTE: I post photos on my Instagram account all the time, and often include items from the (40!) boxes I am currently trying out – so if you get impatient with my posting here, please visit me there in the meantime OR just scroll to the bottom of this site! My Instagram feed at the bottom will show you all my current pics – but you will have to use my link to see them all.

How it works (straight from her site):

“Gina Louise Bling Box is a personal styling service. You fill out your style profile questionnaire and tell them your size and style. If you don’t know your style, Gina will help you find yours! Then you will receive a Bling Box filled with high-end boutique fashions and accessories to try on at home. Each Bling Box is hand-picked just for you. Keep what items you like, and return the rest. Postage is on us. The service costs $49 a month for your stylist, but that fee is deducted from any items you choose to keep. If you keep everything in the Bling Box you will receive another 20% off. It’s that simple. No Contract. No Commitment.”  

You have the option of a monthly, bi-monthly or one-time box. Your Bling Box will contain 3 to 8 items each month of designer apparel, jewelry, accessories, beauty items, and sometimes home goods. I have only received apparel, accessories and jewelry so far, but I’m hoping to see some surprise beauty and/or home goods in my future boxes! The items are also discounted from retail prices, even if you don’t keep everything.  Keep in mind that this review has boxes curated for MY style preferences, so your box may contain completely different items!

To subscribe to the Gina Louise Bling Box, a credit card is required to be kept on file because some asshole screwed it up for the rest of us by ripping her off. Two things that piss me off – thieves and liars! But really, the credit card thing is no big deal to me and I totally understand. Having your own business is VERY demanding hard work, and trying to style a bunch of picky-ass women (like me!) – well – I think she deserves some serious kudos!

COUPON CODE: For a 3-month subscription to the Gina Louise Bling Box at $20 a month (instead of $49), use code CDM20 at checkout! That’s $60 rather than $147 – WOOHOO!

Gina Louise Bling Box Review, April 2016

Gina Louise April 2016 Box

A fairly good size, plain box with her business card and pretty pink tape on it. I blotted out my shipping label for safety.

Gina Louise April 2016 Packing

Items come wrapped in pink tissue paper and clear plastic bags, and the jewelry comes in individual little boxes.

Gina Louise April 2016 Welcome

A nice welcome letter was included in my first box.  I have to add here that Gina is super sweet. We have exchanged a few emails now trying to figure out my style (I am seriously eclectic), and I just love her. I am so very happy to support small businesses (#girlbosses unite!) and it is really something special for me when I LIKE the people who run them! It feels very personal, and that is what life is all about!

Gina Louise April 2016 Gift

A welcome gift was included in my first box!  Yay!

Gina Louise April 2016 Earrings

The welcome gift was dangling earrings that look really nice on – not too small, not too big! They are a very subtle and feminine shade of pink. I love them! You will see a lot of pink items in my boxes because I stated it was one of my favorite colors. I wear A LOT of black, so I like to girl-it-up with pink so as to not look so hard core all the time.  😉

Gina Louise April 2016 Jeans 2

Ripped jeans!!! I am almost 45 years old and I still ADORE ripped and shredded jeans. And jeans with bling on them. Or patches. Or my own artwork drawn on with pens. When I was a teenager, I remember buying Levi 501’s and running them over with my car 300 times to ‘distress’ them. THEN, I would pour bleach on them, cut them up the sides and tie them back together with shoelace string. Oh yes I did. My mother was not amused. I had to get a job at 15 years old because she told me she wasn’t wasting any more money on clothes for me. Now you have to pay top dollar for these! Apparently I missed my calling. These were a definite keep! They fit perfectly and I wear them at LEAST once a week.

Gina Louise April 2016 Jeans 3

Jack follows me everywhere. I can’t take a pic without him either photo-bombing it, or trying to lick the lens or bite the camera strap. He is the epitome of cuteness, though, so I don’t mind that he is my moving photo structure. He takes the focus off of my beefy legs!  Well, except that I just alerted the entire internet to it.  Damn it.

Gina Louise April 2016 Scarf 2

This pink scarf is absolutely beautiful (the fringe!) – and the only reason I sent it back is because I already have one almost identical to it.

Gina Louise April 2016 Pink Kimono

It’s hard to make out the shape of this top because my photography needs some work, but it is a boho-style kimono top. The fabric is really nice and somewhat sheer – a high quality item for sure. Unfortunately I have issues with floral prints, so I didn’t keep it, but I did think about stepping outside of my comfort zone on this one because the colors were so pretty! I probably should have kept it – maybe gotten a smaller size or something (it was huge on me). Now that I’m looking at the picture of it, I am really liking it. That’s the one great thing about box subscriptions and personal styling – it gives you the chance to change things up once in awhile. My closet tends to look a little repetitive if left to my own devices.  :-/

Gina Louise April 2016 Lace Top 2

Another beautiful kimono – this one white lace with fringe. I liked the way it looked on with the ripped jeans, but when I got the (well-meaning) comment “That looks just like your Christmas tablecloth!”, I started to think maybe this piece just didn’t work on me. I think it was because the shape of the kimono was square – perhaps if it had been cut differently, or had only partial lace, it would have been different. It went back, but hesitantly. I am hoping to maybe get a different style white lace or fringe kimono in a future box to try.  😉

Gina Louise April 2016 Lace Top 1

I tried taking full body photos of myself in the clothes. It’s not happening. The camera adds more than 10 pounds. Har-har. Also, a modeling pro I am not – I used my tripod and the self timer, and after I looked at the results, I laughed myself silly and then had to open and consume an entire bottle of wine.

Gina Louise April 2016 Necklace 2

This is my favorite item – so gorgeous in person! It actually wasn’t the original necklace in the box, though. The first one sent had a mixture of pink, light blue and clear beads. I neglected to take a picture of it though, of course. Bah! I emailed Gina and asked if she had different colors in this same necklace, because I really liked the design but wasn’t crazy about the color combo. She sent me a pic of this necklace and BAM!!! I said SEND IT RIGHT AWAY! So she did, and here it is. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I like this one better because it goes with E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Statement necklaces are really popular right now, but I’ve always crushed on them. In high school I wore funky jewelry and a lot of people gave me shit about it. Didn’t care then, don’t care now, BUT, I get complimented on this one all the time! It’s funny, no one has ever been shy about telling me what they think, even as an adult. I still occasionally get the “What in the HELL are you wearing?”, especially when I get my skull stuff out. Hee. My hair stylist told me I was getting some “pink highlights” the next time I come in, so I’m thinking I’m going to get some interesting looks from that.

Gina Louise Designs Swarovski Crystal Necklace.

Not only is this a really pretty necklace, but it is a SPECIAL one too! Here is a quote from the email I was sent about it:

“The chanel is real sterling silver chanel made by Swarovski. Each year a small amount of this chain is sold to designers to create their own pieces. It’s shipped to us from Austria. It is rare and gorgeous. This design is my exclusive design. I use vintage and real Swarovski crystal beads. Each one is a one of a kind!”

Gina Louise April 2016 Black White Shirt

The fabric on this black and white top was very luxurious, and the cut was also nice, however again I’m just not a fan of floral prints in most cases. I do make exceptions, and this may have been one of them, but it also did not fit – it was too tight in the bust area. I am a hard fit on tops because of my melons and long torso, so this actually happens to me a lot, even when it is ‘technically’ the size I wear. So, unfortunately, this one was a no-go.

Gina Louise April 2016 Invoice

This is what my invoice looked like – showing the styling fee deduction from any items I keep, and the 20% discount for keeping it all. Usually the styling fee deduction is $49, but I got 50% off on my first box, so I only paid $24.50 up front. I believe this deal is still available for new subscribers!

I was recently notified that hand-written invoices are no longer being sent out due how time consuming they are, so I guess a digital invoice will be sent from now on. I will let you know in my next review.

I neglected to get a picture of the ‘pink tote’ that was also sent in my box. It was a cute light pink canvas tote, and it had a rope handle.  I would have probably kept it even though I have a zillion totes, but the lining was that thin kind of plastic-y material, and with all the odd items I carry around with me, I would have ripped it in 3.6 seconds flat.  So it went back.

I know I sent back about half of the items in this box, but all-in-all I was super thrilled with it! All of the pieces were high quality and I felt there was a lot of time and consideration put into this customized curation for me. With my return, I also sent back a detailed explanation of what I liked and didn’t like. This helps the stylist get to know you, and be able to pick out the perfect items for your future boxes! BUT, I don’t mind getting sent items that don’t match my profile 100% every time, because I want to get out my clothing rut and live a little more dangerously!  😀

Gina Louise Bling Box Review, May 2016

Gina Louise May 2016 Necklace

This necklace was my favorite item in the May Box! I’m sure you can tell by now that big, bold necklaces are my thing. Especially silver and black ones. It actually looks gold in the photo, but it is all silver with black and rhinestone. I like all colors really, but these colors are the most versatile and reflect my personal style really well.

Gina Louise May 2016 Necklace On 2

I don’t know why, but I have a kind of ‘crazy eye’ look thing going on in this pic – lol! (If you watch ‘Orange is the New Black’ you’ll know what I mean here.) BUT, doesn’t the necklace look fabulous??

Gina Louise May 2016 Necklace On 1

I went to a salon with the necklace on paired with this (non-Gina-Louise) orange shirt, and when my nail stylist saw me, she said “OMG, you look STUNNING!” OK, call me sensitive, but I almost broke out into tears. It has been a long goddamn time since someone told me I looked “stunning”. In fact, I’m not sure anyone has ever said that to me! So, in short, totally happy with this piece. Oh, I got the earrings from Chico’s a long time ago, and they match perfectly!

Gina Louise May 2016 Navy Tank 1

This is a Ralph Lauren sleeveless tunic tee that is really nicely made. It is dark navy blue, not grey like it looks in the photo. I was taking pictures at night with weak overhead lights on so the color is all weird in some of the pics – sorry about that. I’m kind of a newb at this.

Gina Louise May 2016 Navy Tank On

This is an even crappier photo that I took with my cell phone, but I thought it captured the detail pretty good in the sleeves. This was a keep. This necklace wasn’t part of my box – I found it on Etsy here.


These boho-style summer sandals are really soft and comfortable, and they match the navy top perfectly. They are also Vegan. I guess that is the new way of saying “faux leather”. Ha. They were extremely reasonably priced, cute and fit well, so I kept them. I love how all the items in a box can usually be mixed and matched. There was a silky sheer navy and cream kimono cover up in my box also, but I didn’t care for the pattern on it so it went back, but it matched too! Did I take a picture of it? Of course not. Derrrrr. You know what else I forgot to take a picture of? The bejeweled jeans. I had to return them because they didn’t fit/look right, but they were really blingy and fun, and I so wish I could have kept them. I’m getting better at slowing down when I get a box now, being careful not to miss anything. I just get really excited. I can’t help it.

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Here is my lovely foot with my pink piggies. I’ve been working on my tan. 🙂

DSC_0451 (1)

Gina Louise June 2016 Shipping Return

The box comes with a return label and envelope inside for your convenience. I just lay return packages on my doorstep and the postman knows to take them. It saves me a trip to the post office. Being the subscription box queen, this is a big plus!

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The invoice for May’s Gina Louise Bling Box. Another great box that I was happy with!

Gina Louise Bling Box Review, June 2016

Gina Louise June 2016 Box 1

Da box.

Gina Louise June 2016 Contents

I was really looking forward to my Gina Louise Bling Box this month, and I wasn’t disappointed!

Gina Louise June 2016 Contents Stack

Look at this cute little ring box!

Gina Louise June 2016 Eco Note

Gina Louise is eco-friendly!  I wasn’t worried, but it’s a bonus.

Gina Louise June 2016 Ring Box

Lookee, Lookee!  If Gina’s Bling Box is proposing, I DO! I put my Pinterest link in my style profile, and this exact style ring is pinned to my “Bling” board, so this was an exciting thing for me to receive! It is very well made – heavy and full of detail. Definitely a must keep.

Gina Louise June 2016 Ring On

And it fit my middle finger! Which is EXACTLY what I wanted! That NEVER happens with my big-ass knuckles!

Gina Louise June 2016 SW Kimono 1

After a fun email exchange we had in May about kimonos and cover-ups (with the piece above being one of 3 discussed) this beauty arrived in my box! I love Southwestern patterns – and they just happen to be all the rage right now, so lucky me. It is also a Gina Louise original design! I am waiting for a cool night to wear this – maybe dinner down at the beach!

Gina Louise June 2016 SW Kimono Label

Gina Louise June 2016 SW Kimono On 2

See what I mean about the ta-ta’s?  I’m not showing off – they are just hard to hide. I can’t wear high-necks or turtlenecks – they give me claustrophobia.

Gina Louise June 2016 Pink Kimono 1

The wide sleeve openings and tassles on this cover up sold it for me. Really pretty on, and goes well with my complexion. Love the pattern.

Gina Louise June 2016 Pink Kimono On 2

I try to look cool, I really do. Just give me points for trying. More combining of items in all my boxes. It’s like a mini fashion show around here today. If the neighbors are peeking at me, I’m sure they are highly entertained by my skillz.

Gina Louise June 2016 Pink Kimono On and Ring

I’m so f’ing color-coordinated here! That rarely happens. The v-neck tee is black – it looks blue in the photo, and it was something I already had.

Gina Louise June 2016 Jeans 2

Gina Louise June 2016 Jeans 1

These jeans are too cool. They are dark blue denim, embellished with an embroidered chain detail and rhinestones on the back pockets. Sadly, I didn’t keep them because they have a flared boot-cut, and with short, fat legs, they don’t look flattering on me. I was bummed.

Gina Louise June 2016 Black White Shirt

I really like this top! I am good with the pattern, and black & white is always a duh. It was too tight in the chest, though. Damn boobs again. Grrr. These things cannot be predicted.

Gina Louise June 2016 Grey Shirt 2

This is a simple, basic grey tee except that it has a slightly tapered waist that hugs the hips. The sleeves are also just slightly wider under the arms for a more sleek, feminine look. It is extremely soft and just my style! I think I’m a plain Jane at heart. This was a no-brainer keeper.

Gina Louise June 2016 Grey Shirt 1

Gina Louise June 2016 Grey Shirt On 1

The grey tee goes great with the Gina Louise Swarovski Crystal/Bead Tassel Necklace!

Gina Louise June 2016 Grey Shirt On 2

I can’t stay serious for very long.


Look at me combining again! Necklace is from the May Box, and the Kimono is from the June Box! Wheeeee! I’m feelin’ stylish. And tired.

Gina Louise June 2016 Invoice

I was confused about the $20 styling fee discount on this invoice because the usual price is $49. After inquiring about it, it was relayed to me that after a few boxes in an active subscription, your styling fee goes down to $20! This invoice just happen to come before the recurring charge cleared my account, so I was indeed only charged $20! What a sweet surprise! I really can’t envision ever having to send ALL the items back in a box that would result in having to pay a styling fee, but it is certainly a nice perk to have just in case!

I’m obviously a big fan of the Gina Louise Bling Box. I’m due for my 4th box in just a few days! Hooray!! I hope you made it through this novel-sized post, and maybe found it helpful seeing what kinds of items you can get from this subscription over time. All of the items I’ve received so far have been in a reasonable price range for me. Not cheap, but not ridiculously expensive either. I opted for a more casual look on my style preference survey, but I’m sure if you are more of a cocktail-dress-fancy-girly-girl, your box would reflect that.

COUPON CODE: For a 3-month subscription to the Gina Louise Bling Box at $20 a month (instead of $49), use code CDM20 at checkout! That’s $60 rather than $147 – WOOHOO!

Let me know what you think!

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1 Comment

  • etsy rose gold wedding rings February 21, 2017 06.38 pm

    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this blog before but after looking at a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Regardless, I’m definitely happy I stumbled upon it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back frequently!


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About the Author

Hi, I’m Cheryl, a.k.a. "CrazyDogMama". Welcome to my blog - it's about time you visited! Anything and everything goes here - seriously. I'm a 40-something introverted writer and maker of body care products.

I am obsessed with books (mainly the Holy Bible of late), writing, essential oils, intermittent fasting, road trips, subscription boxes, and all geeky things related to earthquakes, space weather and the last days written about in Revelation. I exist mainly on coffee. I'm not above writing about uncomfortable subjects, and political correctness isn't my priority, I'm just real. I also love Jesus. So, if you're good with all that, take a look around and get to know me! Even if you're not, I try my best to entertain and offer up good advice occasionally, so hopefully there is a little something here for everyone.

Oh, and my dog Jack is my muse, so I like to exploit him here. ;-)

This is my life.

Simply Earth

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