Simply Earth April 2021

Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box, April 2021 + Incentive!

Hey there, Earthies! (a.k.a. Simply Earth Essential Oil Lovers)  Spring has sprung, and it’s time for me to share the Simply Earth April 2021 Essential Oil Recipe Box with you!  ALERT!  Be sure to order this by the 20th of the month – they are expecting to sell out the last week!

If you are just getting started, or even if you are a seasoned expert, Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box is an awesome way to experience a variety of quality tested 100% pure essential oils and learn tons of new ways to incorporate them into your daily regimen in just minutes a day.

Simply Earth is a small, family-run essential oils company based in Hingham, Wisconsin.  Each month, Simply Earth provides its subscribers with everything they need to make handmade natural products with friends & family, and to create a natural home – all for a great value.  I’ve been using essential oils for years and can attest to their life-changing therapeutic benefits, and I am absolutely THRILLED to be able to review this box for you!  You can see my other Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box reviews here.

Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box is $39/month (+tax if applicable) with free US shipping (they also ship to Canada, but shipping fees apply), or there is a quarterly subscription option where you will receive one box every 3 months.  The quarterly subscription is $45 (+tax if applicable) every 3 months.  Every box is curated around a theme and includes 4 full-size essential oils + the toxin-free ingredients & containers you need to make 6 natural recipes.  As a member, you will also receive exclusive access to members-only discounts and sales on Simply Earth products in their shop.

NEW AND NOTEWORTHY!  Simply Earth recently launched a ‘Starter Box’ because the monthly recipe boxes have been selling out almost every month!  To make up for that, they came up with the Starter Box so that interested subscribers don’t have to wait.  The Starter Box also has recipe cards and will come with a free Big Bonus Box.  So, if the December box sells out, don’t worry – you will get the Starter Box!  Moving forward, Starter Boxes will replace the monthly boxes whenever a monthly box sells out.

*Use code CDMFREE at this link when you checkout to receive a $40 gift card in your first box!  (NOTE:  This code is for first-time subscribers only, and the gift card can be used on future purchases or your next box. The code is not a discount, but an additional incentive intended for first time subscribers.)*

DISCLAIMER:  I am a Simply Earth affiliate, and was provided this box at no cost in order to review it.  As an affiliate, I earn a small commission on sales which does not affect the price for the buyer using my links.  Any additional affiliate links are identified where listed.  You can read my full disclosure statement here.  Please note however, that I *never* accept compensation in exchange for a positive review.  All of my reviews are my honest, personal opinions and contain my own photography (unless otherwise stated).

Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box Review, April 2021

Simply Earth April 2021 Essential Oil Recipe Box

The April 2021 REDESIGNED Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box!  I want to note that you only get the free ‘Big Bonus Box’ with your first box, and then with every 6th box – which I have to say is a phenomenal perk!  The Big Bonus Box includes additional supplies needed to make the recipes in the subsequent boxes, and you can see my review of it here.

Once subscribed/ordered, your box generally ships the next day and and will arrive 2-3 business days after that.  Your next box will be billed and shipped on the same day you placed your first order in.  You can cancel any time, or skip a box.

Simply Earth April 2021 Essential Oil Recipe Box Sticker

It looks like the Simply Earth family has a lot of fun packing boxes!

Simply Earth April 2021 Essential Oil Recipe Box

The oils are packed really nicely in sturdy cardboard pockets to decrease the chances of spillage or breakage.

Simply Earth April 2021

Each monthly box comes with 4 essential oils + 6 recipe cards, and additional items to complete the recipes.  Quite impressive for the low cost of the box!  Simply Earth is able to cut out the middle-man and work directly with the farmers to give you a more affordable value.  This month is themed “REST & RELAXATION”.

Simply Earth April 2021 Note from Kate

On the backs of the recipe cards are notes and additional information about the box.  This is a note from Katie – a recipe formulator and certified aromatherapist.  This month she talks about the theme of the box and how our sense of smell is directly connected to the emotion center in our brain.

Simply Earth Sneek Peek May 2021

You also receive a ‘sneek peek’ at next month’s box.  I appreciate that they inform you ahead of time, of any extra items you may need to complete the recipes.

Simply Earth April 2021 Charity

Simply Earth gives back!  With every box and purchase, you are helping in the fight against human trafficking.  This month, 13% of their profits are going to ‘Disrupting Traffick‘, an organization out of Lincoln, Nebraska, whose mission is to disrupt the commercial sex industry through strategic outreach, community engagement and education, and to connect survivors of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation to trauma informed resources.  Even if you aren’t a Simply Earth subscriber, I highly encourage you to support this cause!

Simply Earth April 2021 Oil Info Card

This card is a breakdown of the items included in this month’s box (with descriptions).

Simply Earth April 2021 Oils

Simply Earth’s batch-tested, 100% pure essential oil selections for April 2021!  Not all essential oils are created equal, so it’s important to be diligent when selecting the oils you wish to use.  You want to look for purity, where the oil is from (grown) and it’s therapeutic grade classification.  Don’t just blindly order from any company – do your research!  I’ve done mine, and Simply Earth gets a thumbs up from this picky buyer.

Commitment to Quality

With the safety of your home in mind, we’re meticulous about every step of our process. To make sure each plant reaches its potential, we carefully and ethically choose a region where it will thrive. Then we work with our farmers. When our plants have reached maturity, they are harvested safely and fairly. From there we collect their natural essential oils through either cold-pressing or steam-distillation. Every batch is then tested to ensure 100% purity.

Here are the deets on each oil included in this box:

Simply Earth Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil (15 mL) – Retail Value $15.99

Natives in the Amazon used Copaiba resin in various ways, especially for skin conditions.  It was also used as an ointment to treat various diseases by the natives of northern and northeastern Brazil.  Today, Copaiba is used mostly for emotional well-being as well as seasonal threats and body aches.  The aroma is warm, rich, pleasant, and honey-like.

Cautions: This oil is safe for kids (2+), and is safe for use during breastfeeding and pregnancy, as well as for dogs/cats.  The special Dilution Rate is 5% or less.

Simply Earth Juniper Berry Essential Oil (15 mL) – Retail Value $14.99

Used for its medicinal and culinary purposes, Juniper Berry offers countless benefits including calming nervous tension, soothing sore muscles and joints, increasing focus, and supporting respiration.  The aroma is a woody, sweet aromatic pine.

Cautions: This oil is safe for kids (2+), and is safe for use during breastfeeding and pregnancy, as well as for dogs/cats.  The special Dilution Rate is 5% or less, and has a shelf life up to 2 years.

Simply Earth Balsam Fir Essential Oil (15 mL) – Retail Value $12.99

During the American Civil War, Balsam Fir was one of the herbs used in the field to treat combat injuries.  Native Americans also used the herb for ritual purposes, as an external treatment for burns, sores, and cuts, as well as relief for heart and chest pains.  The aroma is softly balsamic, clean, and sweet with a hint of freshly crushed needles.

Cautions: This oil is safe for kids (2+), and is safe for use during breastfeeding and pregnancy, as well as for dogs/cats.  The special Dilution Rate is 5% or less.

Simply Earth Sleepy Essential Oil Blend (15 mL) – Retail Value $13.99

“Sleepy” is a blend of Lavender, Grapefruit, HoWood, & Bergamot essential oils, and was created to help to relax your mind and body before sleep.  Being fully relaxed can lead to a better quality sleep.

Cautions: This oil is safe for kids (2+), and is considered safe for use during breastfeeding or pregnancy.  This blend is possibly phototoxic.

Simply Earth April 2021 Oils

Each bottle gives the specifics of that oil’s batch and origin, as well as a child safety rating – which is extremely helpful.

Simply Earth April 2021 Oils

Each oil bottle also comes with the ‘Simply Pure Promise’ that has a 365 day guarantee!

Creating New Standards

From displaying quality testing for our oils in the form of GC/MS reports for all our oils right on the product page to visiting our vetiver farm in Haiti, we are working on creating the standards for what it means to have high quality oils. All this is backed with our 365 day Simply Earth Guarantee.

Oil Dropper Bottle

The bottles come equipped with dropper attachments for easy measuring, and to prevent spillage.

Simply Earth Natural Solubilizer

Simply Earth Natural Solubilizer 15 mL – Retail Value $6.99

Simply Earth Natural Solubilizer

A natural solubilizer is a cosmetic ingredient that helps blend very small amounts of oils – usually essential or fragrance oils – into aqueous formulations such as gels, toners and micellar waters.  It works on the same principle as an emulsifier by mixing two immiscible ingredients.  More information on how to use natural solubilizers can be found here.

Spray Bottle

Amber Spray Bottle 2 oz. – Retail Value $2.99

Spray Bottle

Spray bottles come in handy for lots of projects!  I use and re-use them all the time.

Reed Diffusers

Diffuser Reeds (3) – Retail Value $0.50

Reed Diffusers

Premium rattan reeds, ideal for making cute reed diffusers for a small space like a bathroom!  April’s box comes with (3) reeds, which are 5-6 inches long.

Simply Earth April 2021 Labels

Simply Earth Label SheetRetail Value Unavailable

The label sheets are now pre-cut and you just peel them off – no more cutting them yourself!  I can’t tell you how much I LOVE & APPRECIATE THIS!

Simply Earth April 2021 Oil Labels

Look at how pretty and PERFECTLY ROUND the new peel-able oil labels are!

Simply Earth April 2021 Recipe Cards

Simply Earth Recipe Cards (6)Retail Value Unavailable

Here are the (6) color-coded, aromatherapist-certified recipe cards with toxin-free ingredients that were included in this box.  Each recipe can be made in just a few minutes (nothing too extreme, here).  Each month your box will come with 6 new recipes.  I’ve got a HUGE collection now, and love making them over & over!

Sleepy Pillow Spray Recipe Card

Simply Earth Sleepy Pillow Spray Recipe Card

Sleepy Pillow Spray Prep

Recipe Project: Sleepy Pillow Spray

DIY Micellar Water Project

Here is what the solution looks like – super simple to mix.  I’ll give you a big time-saving hint:  run the solubilizer (cap on tight) under warm/hot water before you use it, or you’ll be standing around for hours waiting to get 36 drops out!  It is very thick, and I didn’t do this at first and got a bit impatient.  🙂

Sleepy Pillow Spray

This blend has a lovely citrus-lavender scent.  I like keeping it my TV room to spray onto the pillows & throws I use on my couch – where I take all my naps!

DIY Micellar Water Recipe Card

Simply Earth DIY Micellar Water Recipe Card

DIY Micellar Water Recipe Card

DIY Micellar Water Prep

Recipe Project: DIY Micellar Water

I ran out of the vegetable glycerin oil from last month’s box, so I picked this bottle up on Amazon for about $10.  Now I have plenty!  The mixture for this recipe looks almost identical to the the Sleepy Pillow Spray, so I didn’t bother taking another photo.  Remember to warm up your solubilizer to save you time!

NOTE:  I used a second spray bottle for this recipe that I received in a previous Simply Earth box that I had emptied.  I had to cut the recipe ingredients in half to fit inside this bottle, but it worked perfect!

DIY Micellar Water

Ta-Da!  I love using Micellar water on my face just before bed, and before/after makeup.  The scent is sweet & citrus-y, and feels very clean & fresh on my skin.  It’s a winner!  I just recently learned of the benefits of Micellar water as a cleanser and toner; you can read more about that here.

Soothing Sleepy Balm Recipe Card

Simply Earth Soothing Sleepy Balm Recipe Card

Soothing Sleepy Balm Prep

Recipe Project: Soothing Sleepy Balm

This recipe uses the beeswax and the fractionated coconut oil from the big bonus box, plus a container supplied by you.

NOTE:  I used a glass jar that I got on Amazon; it was not part of Simply Earth.  It works great, but you can use any container.

Soothing Sleepy Balm Project

I used a double boiler to melt the beeswax and coconut oil together (pictured).  Double boilers are cheap and I highly recommend getting one for making balms, salves and lotions.

Soothing Sleepy Balm

This is the balm just out of the double boiler; be sure not to touch or move it until it is fully cooled.

Soothing Sleepy Balm

This recipe created a really soft balm that is easy to apply, and soaks into the skin nicely.  The scents of lavender and grapefruit stand out to me the most, but the copaiba gives it a hint of a warm honey fragrance.

Soothing Sleepy Balm

This was my favorite recipe this month!  I absolutely love making balms and salves, and my friends & family look forward to them as gifts, too.  I’m now known as the “Salve Goddess” – LOL!

Lights Out Reed Diffuser Recipe Card

Simply Earth Lights Out Reed Diffuser Recipe Card

Lights Out Reed Diffuser Recipe Card

Lights Out Reed Diffuser Prep

Recipe Project: Lights Out Reed Diffuser

This recipe is super-duper easy, and is a fun addition to a bedroom, bathroom or even on top of the piano – which is where I put mine!  Now I can play tunes and feel like I’m in the forest with this sweet, woody-pine reed diffuser.

NOTE:  I used a glass bottle that I got on Amazon; it was not part of Simply Earth.  It works great, but you can use any container.

Lights Out Reed Diffuser

It’s pretty, too!

Goodnight Moon Diffuser Blend Recipe Card

Simply Earth Goodnight Moon Diffuser Blend Recipe Card

Goodnight Moon Diffuser Blend Prep

Recipe Project: Goodnight Moon Diffuser (Master) Blend

Diffuser blend recipes are included every month, and if you are a fan, the recipe includes a master blend you can make to have on hand.  The recipe card gives you the ingredient amounts you need to put directly into you diffuser, as well as for a master blend.  The bonus box includes (6) 5 ml bottles so that you can make master blends each month if you choose.

Goodnight Moon Diffuser Blend

Is it weird that I love the name of this blend?  I know it’s silly, but ‘Goodnight Moon’ has such an appealing ring to it!  Diffusing this blend is a soothing way to drift off at night. I have a blue light that I use, too, and that combination is the trick to falling asleep fast, I tell you!

Moon & Back Roll On Recipe Card

Simply Earth Moon & Back Roll-On Recipe Card

Moon & Back Roll On Prep

Recipe Project: Moon & Back Roll-On

Each month there is a recipe for a roll-on, and this month’s roll-on is for a dose of calm & relaxation throughout your day.  Roll-on bottle blends are great for keeping in my purse or car.  This recipe requires items from the bonus box – fractionated coconut oil and a glass roller.

Moon & Back Roller

Rollers are the best!  I’m really enjoying the “Sleepy” blend, and Copaiba is fast becoming a must-have oil for me.  I’ve been told that Copaiba has similar benefits to CBD oil, which is amazing!  Here is an article you can read about that.

Moon & Back Roller

These glass rollers come with steel roller balls – which are much better than the plastic ones you sometimes see.  To use, roll onto the pulse points (wrists, neck, back of knees), but make sure to test on the back on the hand first.

So what do you think of the April 2021 Simply Earth Essential Oils Recipe Box?  I suffer from insomnia from time to time, so I’m game for trying any natural remedies I can find to help.  Essential oils really are great for so many things, and I’ve found they really do help with my sleeping concerns!  Not to mention all the other benefits, like emotional wellness.  I look forward to my box each month, and I am consistently impressed by the quality and usability of this subscription at such a reasonable price.  The total (current) retail value of the recipe box is $68.44, (not including the recipe cards or the labels).  I think that is absolutely amazing for only $39.99!  That really is a HUGE value comparatively to other essential oils out there of equal quality, and it is so handy to be able to make so many different recipes without having to buy a bunch of additional expensive ingredients.

This subscription is a great way to learn and build up an essential oil collection that isn’t so overwhelming, and the recipes are so easy & fun!  IMHO you absolutely can’t go wrong if you enjoy essential oils and DIY projects.

REMINDER ALERT!  Be sure to order this by the 20th of the month – they are expecting to sell out the last week!

Don’t forget!  Use code CDMFREE at this link when you checkout to receive a $40 gift card in your first box!  (NOTE:  This code is for first-time subscribers only, and the gift card can be used on future purchases or your next box. The code is not a discount, but an additional incentive intended for first time subscribers.)

TTFN, CrazyDogMama – XOXO!

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About the Author

Hi, I’m Cheryl, a.k.a. "CrazyDogMama". Welcome to my blog - it's about time you visited! Anything and everything goes here - seriously. I'm a 40-something introverted writer and maker of body care products.

I am obsessed with books (mainly the Holy Bible of late), writing, essential oils, intermittent fasting, road trips, subscription boxes, and all geeky things related to earthquakes, space weather and the last days written about in Revelation. I exist mainly on coffee. I'm not above writing about uncomfortable subjects, and political correctness isn't my priority, I'm just real. I also love Jesus. So, if you're good with all that, take a look around and get to know me! Even if you're not, I try my best to entertain and offer up good advice occasionally, so hopefully there is a little something here for everyone.

Oh, and my dog Jack is my muse, so I like to exploit him here. ;-)

This is my life.

Simply Earth

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